Our work “Rhythm Dungeon: A Blockchain-based Music Roguelike Game” has been accepted into Foundation of Digital Games 2019 (FDG 2019) Demos Track, which will be hold at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California, USA, during August 26-30, 2019.
Foundations of Digital Games is a major international “big tent” academic conference dedicated to exploring the latest research in all aspects of digital games. FDG is usually held in Europe or North America once a year. FDG 2018 was held in Malmo, Sweden. FDG 2019 is held in cooperation with ACM and ACM SIG AI, SIGGRAPH and SIGCHI.
The first author of the work is Tengfei Wang, a first-year undergraduate student from School of Science and Engineering, CUHK-Shenzhen.