Can Data Clouds Rain?
Time: 15:00
Date: June 3, 2020
Zoom ID: 935 2672 7095
Passcode: ce2020
In an everyday language we use several metaphors for the Internet that assume an immateriality of the technical surrounding. Clouds, flows or (cyber)space implicitly hide a physical infrastructure and shape our imagination. Over the last years the speaker developed different art projects, that address the physical side of those global electronic networks. In this talk, the speaker will give an overview of his work between media archaeological platforms, browser extension, and web applications. Next to that, the speaker will give some technical background of his artworks.
Joseph Oliver Anton Knierzinger (joak) is an artist exploring the history and politics of past, present, future and anachronistic media, technology and confusion. He works with Free/Libre/Open Source Software at the intersection of up-to-date media and obsolete technologies. His works, performances and lectures have been shown in exhibitions, festivals and universities in Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Germany, Italy, Catalonia, Croatia, Kugelmugel, Mongolia, Netherlands, Russia, Slovenia and Austria. At the moment he works on different alogisms and algorithms in Vienna. His Website: